Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Story of the Year
My mind was anywhere but on what I was doing, and I hooked the cables to the dead battery (grounding the negative clamp to the frame) prior to the live battery. This is not what you do because, according to my ca-knowing friend, "You never go up river" or something like that. As I was paddling "up river" by hooking up the live battery after the dead one, the Trustee was standing by her car while I was over at the van. When I clamped the cables to the live battery, but there were sparks, which is generally what happens during a jump. She asked me "Is it supposed to spark like that?" To which I answered "Yes" while not paying attention to her car.
"Is it supposed to smoke like that?" she asked. I was getting annoyed because of course it was going to smoke a little from the sparks. At this point, I looked to my left towards her car. That when I saw black smoke billowing out of her engine. I stood straight up and saw a flame. Her car was on fire.
I had lit her car on fire.
On fire.
A feeling of overwhelming panic welled up inside of me as I pictured her car exploding, then blowing up the car next it, and the one next to it, etc. as we were in a full parking lot. But I also knew that I had to save face and not show concern, as this was a Trustee of the University where I worked. So I nonchalantly walked over to her car, which was on fire, and mumbled "Don't worry, I grew up in the country. We do this all of the time," (which made absolutely no sense, but I thought something needed to be said), thinking that I can't show any concern of blowing up the city of Delaware due to a mistake I made while jumping a car. I looked into the engine and saw that the negative clamp and the area in which I grounded it to was the source of the flame, which I thought was weird. I didn't think metal caught on fire easily, but that was a moot point now.
I had lit her car on fire.
I grabbed the clamp that was on fire, burning my hand in the process, but avoiding the Great Delaware Fire of '06. Then I mentioned that the area in which I grounded the clamp, which I darn well knew was metal, "must have been rubber or something like that because metal doesn't usually catch on fire." I was trying to save face. The Trustee then touched the area that was previously on fire and now blackened to see if it was metal and proceeded to burn her finger, confirming that it was indeed metal.
As I went to hook up the negative clamp to the battery, I held my breath because I wasn't sure what would happen. I figured the battery would explode, spraying acid in my face, disfiguring me horribly, and then blow up all of the cars in the parking lot- but I was not about to lose face. None of that happened, but it was a tense second.
As I walked back to my boss's car, about ready to vomit, my boss asked me if I had hurt my hand. I said no, and then I whispered if she could tell I was nervous. She said "no," so I knew I was all right. Both cars started and everything was fine, but it was an omen that I should have not gone out last weekend.
Friday, September 29, 2006
Raffle What!?!?!, Part Deux
Let's review: for $100, you get a chance to watch the Bucks win the National Championship, do whatever people do in Arizona for two nights (I hear there are many lizards and cacti there), and get to hang out with me (when you take me). That's not just win-win, that's win-win-win.
The website for this dream vacation is
I'm still looking for that one person to buy all 200 tickets at one time.
Marketing News
I found out this week that Ohio Wesleyan is the midst of a branding movement. This means trademarking the Bishop and other stuff like that. For example, you won't see the Bishop leaning on just the "W" anymore:

Instead, he will be leaning on the "OWU." (In a moment of irony, I could not find a picture of the Bishop leaning on an "OWU").
Personally, I like the "W" more, but then again, I'm just the Assistant Director of Annual Giving and sometimes I can't tell black from dark green (as my co-workers will attest), so my opinion is nothing. I do think we should trademark his frown and get rid of the Smiling Bishop (see last week's blog). Also, from now on, when I use the word Bishop®, I will be using a registered trademark symbol (the circle with a "R" in it).
What brought this on? Well, a couple of weeks ago at the football game, an entrepreneurial student had made shirts of the Bishop® in a jock strap that said "Ohio Wesleyan Athletic Supporter" on the back. I'm not going to say anything except that I would like one of those shirts, but only for an example of what not to do.
In related news, I will be trademarking Floyd, The Annual Fund Garden Gnome later this week. Don't even think about using him anywhere without paying me.

On Tuesday night, in between my econ and stats classes, I went to buy a Coke® when I looked in the food vending machine and I saw a candy bar-sized Bit-O-Honey®. I couldn't believe my eyes- I hadn't had a Bit-O-Honey® since I was, like, 6 and I remembered loving them. I have absolutely no idea what they're made from, but I remembered they were great. And they were never the size of a candy bar; no, they were small morsels of manna from Heaven.
I bought this giant Bit-O-Honey® (later- as in Thursday- I realized that thing has probably been in that vending machine for approximately 5 years. I doubt Bit-O-Honeys® go bad) and tore into it. I had forgotten how chewy they were and how impossible it was to get the wrapper off of them; no matter what, when you eat a Bit-O-Honey®, you eat some paper, too, because it is impossible to get all of the paper off (just like it is impossible to eat Cap'n Crunch® without cutting the roof of your mouth). Because of the sheer size of this gigantic Bit-O-Honey, it took me the entire class time to finish it and I kept interrupting the class with my battle to get each portion out of the wrapper.
After I was finished with my 5 pound treat, I felt sick to my stomach for a couple of days. I think eating a Bit-O-Honey® is like swallowing gum- I won't be able to digest it for 7 years. But it was worth it.
Oh, was it worth it.
And Finally
Because it is Friday and this blog was late, I will give all of a special treat: a picture of me. I'm sure all of you are wondering who is Wordsmith that writes the Best Annual Fund Blog® ever. Well, here you go. This picture was snapped a couple of Fridays ago when I was leaving from work a little early- I may be hard to see because I am camouflaged as a tree (in my off time, I moonlight as a Ninja®).

Wednesday, September 20, 2006
A Smiling What...!?!
Don't worry, fans- I know what the problem is and it has nothing to do with the coaching, players, or facilities. No, Battling Bishop fans, the problem lies in the revamped Bishop. This year, in order to stop scaring small children when taking part in the Delaware Fourth of July Parade, OWU introduced a new family-friendly Bishop. As you will see in the picture below (the Bishop is flanked by Mark Shipps '70 and John Kercher '63), the new Bishop comes complete with red hair, big blue eyes, and a smile.

Yes, that's right. A smile.
Now, this is just my humble opinion, but the new Battling Bishop does not intimidate me. In fact, I do not see him stomping on an ant, let alone running a linebacker over on the 1 yardline for a score. The word "Battling" is not drawn from this sweet, sensible-looking character my mom would like.
Now the old Bishop (see below), he would take a magnifying glass and burn ants, laughing with glee. He would take the new Bishop's lunch money and then steal his bike. The old Bishop would shed a double team from two 300 lbs. offensive linemen to blow up the running back for a 6 yard loss. He was angry, he was impatient, he wanted to win. And there was no smile. No, there was a scowl.

It's a little known fact that teams with smiling, happy-looking mascots never win championships in football or baseball. Take, for example, the Cleveland Indians. Many people blame the trade of Rocky Colavito in 1968 for the Tribe's bad luck when in reality it is Chief Wahoo's fault. The innocent wide-open eyes, the big smile. All of this says "Hey guys, we don't mind losing. Want to come to my house for some cookies after the game?"
You never see the Florida State Seminole smiling. He looks like he could kill somone.

Nor the little Notre Dame guy. He looks ready for a drunken brawl.

Mount Union doesn't even have a mascot, and they win all of the time (8 national championships and the longest winning streak in NCAA history). Do you think they would have won all of those games with a smiling, happy-go-lucky Purple Raider? I think not.
A case could be made for a smile as long as the eye brows are furled; that way, the smile looks sarcastic or, at the very least, saying "Bring it." But not a full-blown, eyes-wide-open smile.
"But Jason," you may be thinking, "I have you. What about Brutus Buckeye and the 2002 OSU National Championship?" The one exception could be Brutus; but let's not forget that he is a giant poisonous nut with a body that can stand on his head and do push-ups. That is ridiculous. There was a buckeye tree at my elementary school growing up, and no buckeye I ever saw did anything like that. Occasionally I would throw them at girls I liked, but that was my actions, not the buckeye's.
Bring back the old Bishop. Do it for OWU. He's worth a good 7 points a game. Denison will not be intimidated by the Smiling Bishop; neither will Wabash, Wooster or any other NCAC opponent. We need to scare the opponents and if we scare some kids on July 4 along the way, so be it- it's all in the name of winning an NCAC championship. Besides, being scared builds character. That is what my dad always told me.
Don't forget Team OWU (that is my Annual Fund tie-in for this blog).
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Raffle What!?!?!
If you really want to go to the game (keep in mind that the Large School Down South has won 3 out of the past 4 Fiesta Bowls), I suggest someone stepping up and buying all 200 tickets. Think about it: not only do you support Ohio Wesleyan Athletics, but you also ensure yourself of a raffle victory. If that isn't win-win, then I'm not sure what is.
On a side note, I'm sure the Ohio State will run the table this season- I've never seen a OSU offense move at will like this year's does. After watching the Bucks dominate Texas on Saturday (funny how the cameras quit cutting to Matthew McCauh-(however you spell it) after the second quarter) and attending the Browns game on Sunday, I'm pretty sure that OSU could beat the Browns right now. That bodes well for the Raffle. Of course, last time I commented on a team I followed in this blog, they promptly imploded and the season was lost (thank you, Cleveland Indians).
Face of Terror
Today in Mowry, we had an emergency. We ran out of coffee and, in a haze of deceit and exhaustion, someone mistakenly made decaffeinated coffee. Can you imagine the horror felt throughout this office? We almost drank decaffeinated coffee! I can't believe that those two words exist together: decaffeinated coffee. Nonalcoholic beer. Fat-free potato chips. Tofurkey (which is meatless turkey- and no matter what anyone says, it does NOT taste like turkey). Sugarless gum. Lean Pockets. We might as well throw in Moneyless Annual Fund (there is the AF tie-in).
Decaffeinated coffee, I scoff at the idea of you. I don't drink coffee for the taste. NO! I drink it for the results. A jolt to my system, to recharge my batteries, to move me forward. "The Darker the Better" is my rally cry! I don't want to drink the coffee, I want to have eat it with a spoon! I want my coffee to be so strong that I have to chase it down, just like the caveman chasing a mighty mastodon, an Apache warrior chasing Buffalo, Captain Ahab chasing Moby Dick, Rosco chasing Bo and Luke Duke! Yes. YES!
Stupid decaffeinated coffee. I spit in your decaffeinated beans.
Another quick side note
I was accused today of not knowing the difference between caffeinated and decaffeinated coffees by Ericka, a woman of many talents in the Public Relations office here at OWU. Yes, many talents, but one talent she cannot claim is that of "Brewmaster of Mowry," which has been bestowed upon one Jason Robert Thompson. And with that title comes great responsilibity, one of which is knowing that difference.
Anyway, Ericka decided to lambast me with the following e-mail. You, the reader, can decide who has a coffee problem in this office:
Oh, Jason. If no one told you it was decaffeinated, you wouldn't have noticed. You'd be like one of the college students "they" allegedly conducted a study on in the 1980s --"they" gave a bunch of college kids NA beer, but didn't tell them it was NA. Yet the kids still acted drunk. I could see you being that way. There goes Jason beer and he is tipsy!
Anyway, thank Larry. He brought in a big can of coffee from Kroger that I am about to go open. Ah...the virgin can. I love the first time you open a can of coffee and get that huge coffee smell.
So Larry the Researcher saved the day. This office is a scary place without caffeine. A movie is in the works to retell the story of Larry's exploits today. In fact, the movie poster is already out. Check your local listings for movie times.

Monday, September 04, 2006
Participation vs Dollars
What is the difference between the two? Participation means the number of donors that give to the annual fund divided by the number of people that are marked as "solicitable" in the OWU database. For OWU, this number is 32%. This number is then submitted to various publications and is put toward the rankings of schools.
There are two inherent problems I have seen with participation and rankings:
1.There is no definitive way that schools decide upon what a "solicitable donor" is. How OWU determines what a solicitable donor is defined as is completely different than some schools. So to compare two schools can be deceiving.
2.When the rankings come out, if a school is not ranked as high as some donors believe it should be, they quit giving to the school until the ranking rises, which is ironic because the one way that a donor could immediately help to improve the ranking would be to give.
Total dollars means the total amount given to the University. The Annual Fund is budget relieving, as in the University relies on the Annual Fund to reach it budgetary needs. OWU has needs $3.8 million from the Annual Fund to balance the budget, otherwise the University faces a shortfall.
So what is the answer? Here is my solution: I need 4 donors to give $1 million each and then everyone else (all 25,000+ of you) to give $1. This way, we surpass the goal, jack participation up to 100%, and raise the ranking. It would also relieve a lot of stress around here. If all of this can be completed by the end of September, that would be great. That would raises all around and I could blog all day long, which leads me to the next section.
On the Prejudices of Philosophers
Last week’s blog drew this comment on the message board:
what is the purpose of your blog?
are you paid for doing anything productive?
I love it. Excellent questions.
The first question was covered a couple of weeks ago in another blog, so not much needs to be said. However, we can unfurl the second question together. When searching for truth (truth being in this case: am I paid for doing anything productive?), Friedrich Nietzsche says we have to ask "Who really is it that here questions us? What is it in us that wants 'the truth'?"
In this case, "Who" is Anonymous. And the "What", well, I can’t really speak for Anonymous- that would be to assume, and my dad had a dirty axiom about that. What drives anyone to truth? It is already a long story- yet does it not seem as if it has only just begun? It has been suggested that the truth is just a bunch of half-truths anyways, so what is the point? And finally, what does "productive" mean? If I am defining productive, the fact that I make it to work almost every day relatively on time is productive.
But I am even more productive than that: I maintain relationships with co-workers and constituents, I make the best coffee in the Mowry Alumni Center, and my golf swing is improving (which will help me raise money in the future). And those are just the beginnings of my responsibilities.
Besides, sometimes I mask bad news in the blog, but people are more forgiving because of the credibility established earlier in the writing or because they don’t catch between my stories about killing bats and gender-bending frogs.
What OWU should do is take the new streaming site ( and follow me around for a day. That way, everyone could watch me write a blog live. Now that is entertainment.
Division III Football Stat-of-the-Day
I don’t know if anyone else has noticed, but in the past two years, Capital has outscored Wittenberg 111-7 in football, including a 57-7 drubbing on Saturday. I know that has absolutely nothing to do with OWU in any way except that Wittenberg is in the NCAC and Capital is in the OAC, but I just thought everyone should know.
And Finally...
Before anyone asks, the answer is "YES, as a matter-of-fact, I am going to the Motley Crue/Aerosmith concert at Germain Amphitheater tomorrow night." (I couldn’t get those 2 little dots to show up above the "o" on "Motely." Trust me, I tried.)
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
My First Fiscal Year 07 Blunder
Welcome Joe Schmoe,
Your application has been approved by our administration team.
Your account with the following details:
Email : joeschmoe@whatever.snort
User Name : #)@#*)*
Password : $&@(T^
has been activated. We welcome you to our online community
and trust that together we will grow.
Enjoy the experience!
Kind Regards,
The Ohio Wesleyan Annual Giving Staff
NOTE: This email was automatically generated from Ohio
Wesleyan Annual Fund Volunteers Resource Site (
Some people may have received this and thought "why is Ohio Wesleyan using one of those phishing schemes to get my information? I thought only Chase and eBay did these things. I'll make my gift- they don't have to stoop this low."
We weren't trying to steal information (yet). What happened was that while I was filling in the current volunteer's information, the website was generating an e-mail response to each e-mail address I entered. I didn't realize it until I was informed by a volunteer.
And yes, I do have a degree in Computer Science- it just isn't that obvious because the Volunteer Website never seems to work. I should have just gotten a degree in Awesome Blogs.
Shameless Plug
Having to pay for everything on the Internet is beginning to become a disturbing trend- at least for me. I grew up when the Internet was just coming into its own, and one could find everything for free. Now you have to pay to watch sports highlights or read stories about the Browns (stupid ESPN Insider- as if ESPN and SportsCenter already hadn't sold out enough, now you have to pay a premium for horrible opinions. If I wanted those, I would talk to a Steelers fan).
Not only that, but now if you download songs, you can be arrested and sued. You mean to tell me that I could go to jail for downloading (I Just) Died in Your Arms Tonight by Cutting Crew? It is a cold, hard world we are living in.
The same is true with Internet radio- many of the best stations are now pay to listen. But there is hope. If you go to, you can listen to a great station with no commercials for free. The music is from indie bands and small labels, the DJs aren't all that bad, and it's FREE.
Gender Bending
After sitting in a meeting for a couple of hours, sometimes my mind begins to wander. I can't help it. In those times of imaging myself hitting a homerun in Jacobs Field or saving the world from certain destruction that I may only hear part of a conversation or sentence. Then, out of nowhere, my ears pick up something- then I take that fragment completely out of context.
Yesterday, a majority of the Development staff was in a meeting with a representative from the OWU database vendor (and yes, it was a rip-snorter of a good time). When the topic of discussion moved to table maintenance, the moderator of the discussion asked if anyone in the meeting was able to change records. Everyone was silent (and this is where my mind started to wander) until an unnamed Champion of the Annual Fund (you know who you are) said "I can change gender whenever I want."
This statement snapped me back into reality. I'm sure that the Champion meant that she (or he, dependant on her/his mood at that particular moment) could change a person's gender on their Ohio Wesleyan record, but all that I heard was "I can change gender whenever I want," which to me, in my state of spacing out, sounded like "I can change gender whenever I want." So I replied "You mean like one of those jungle frogs in the rain forest?"- which made me laugh.
No one else seemed to have this reaction.
I don't care, I still think it was funny.
Below is a picture of sex-changing frogs:

Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Keep On Bloggin' in the Free World
What is the purpose of this blog? What is a blog? For that matter, why use the word "blog"- it's such an ugly word- couldn't they find something that was a prettier combination of letters?
So many questions and so little time left in my work day.
A blog, according to, is a connection from one entity to another, such as person-to-person, organization-to-person, whatever. It is like an e-mail, only posted on the World Wide Web so that everyone can read the musings of a certain person (like me). Sure, you can limit the access of a blog to certain individuals, but then you take away the freedom of the blogger and begin to kill the notion of free speech and unlimited access to information that has made the Internet so prevalent in today's society.
Blogs are often at the same time lauded and criticized for the inherent lack of structure and control. They create credibility with their readers, as blogs are often one person's opinions on news and events within the world, their organization, or their lives. This use of honesty and timeliness creates a connection between the blogger and the reader that creates trust. Blogs that are blatantly cheesy or positive all the time are not blogs- they are public relations pieces that are the same as everything that the organization sends out already. Blogs gain readership and popularity through open and honest dialogue that is interesting and timely, thus establishing credibility and (hopefully) enhancing the relationship between the organization and the reader.
The goal of this blog is to give the Ohio Wesleyan Annual Fund a human side. Too often, development offices view their constituents as potential donors or numbers- a means to a goal. On the flip side, individuals view the development office as only asking for money and quickly moving on or "Those guys who always call and ask for money during dinner." The reality is that all of us want what is best for the University and care how we reach that goal.
By allowing this blog to be as open and honest as it has been is because the leadership of Ohio Wesleyan are willing to allow this connection to be made; and we can laugh at ourselves and the situations presented every day. In their book The Leadership Challenge: How to Get Extraordinary Things Done in an Organization, James Kouzes and Barry Posner define credibility is defined by three criteria: trustworthiness, expertise, and dynamism. Leadership is then a direct result of credibility.
OWU is a leader because they are willing to let this credible connection to be created. We can laugh at ourselves; we have fun while working; we love Ohio Wesleyan and enjoy improving the University for the future.
Annual Giving News
The Fall/Late Summer mailing is at the printers as we speak. Check your mailboxes.
The Team OWU goal for this year has been set at $145,000.
Latest Item That Has Nothing To Do With The Annual Fund
Below is my favorite famous-guitarist-hitting-someone-with-their-guitar moment ever.
I think my favorite part is Mick Jagger's apathetic reaction and his outfit. Notice how he watches the entire episode without missing a word in the song. After beating the guy, Keith Richards nonchalantly puts his guitar back on and continues playing. True professionals.